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AccessControlProfile - Class in com.android.identity
A class used to specify access controls.
AccessControlProfile.Builder - Class in com.android.identity
A builder for AccessControlProfile.
AccessControlProfileId - Class in com.android.identity
A class used to wrap an access control profile identifiers.
AccessControlProfileId(int) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.AccessControlProfileId
Constructs a new object holding a numerical identifier.
addAccessControlProfile(AccessControlProfile) - Method in class com.android.identity.PersonalizationData.Builder
Adds a new access control profile to the builder.
addAlternateForwardEngagement(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper.Builder
Tells the helper about secondary/alternate engagement mechanisms.
addDigestIdsForNamespace(String, Map<Long, byte[]>) - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectGenerator
Populates the ValueDigests mapping.
addDocument(String, byte[], byte[], byte[], Map<String, List<byte[]>>, Map<String, Map<String, Long>>, byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseGenerator
Adds a new document to the device response.
addDocument(String, CredentialDataResult, Map<String, List<byte[]>>, Map<String, Map<String, Long>>, byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseGenerator
Like DeviceResponseGenerator.addDocument(String, byte[], byte[], byte[], Map, Map, byte[]) but takes a CredentialDataResult instead and merges the results into the "elementValue" entry of each IssuerSignedItem value.
addDocumentRequest(String, Map<String, Map<String, Boolean>>, Map<String, byte[]>, Signature, Collection<X509Certificate>) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestGenerator
Adds a request for a document and which data elements to request.
AlreadyPersonalizedException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown if trying to create a credential which already exists.
AlreadyPersonalizedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.AlreadyPersonalizedException
Constructs a new AlreadyPersonalizedException exception.
AlreadyPersonalizedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.AlreadyPersonalizedException
Constructs a new AlreadyPersonalizedException exception.


BLE_DATA_RETRIEVAL_CLEAR_CACHE - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
Flag indicating that BLE Services Cache should be cleared before service discovery when acting as a GATT Client.
BLE_DATA_RETRIEVAL_OPTION_L2CAP - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
Flag indicating that L2CAP should be used for data retrieval if available and supported.
BLE_DATA_RETRIEVAL_OPTION_MDOC_CENTRAL_CLIENT_MODE - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
Flag indicating that the mdoc central client mode should be supported for BLE data retrieval.
BLE_DATA_RETRIEVAL_OPTION_MDOC_PERIPHERAL_SERVER_MODE - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
Flag indicating that the mdoc peripheral server mode should be supported for BLE data retrieval.
build() - Method in class com.android.identity.AccessControlProfile.Builder
Creates a new AccessControlProfile from the data supplied to the builder.
build() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest.Builder
Finishes building a CredentialDataRequest.
build() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper.Builder
Builds the DeviceRetrievalHelper and starts presentation.
build() - Method in class com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper.Builder
build() - Method in class com.android.identity.PersonalizationData.Builder
Creates a new PersonalizationData with all the entries added to the builder.
build() - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Builder
Builds a VerificationHelper with the configuration specified in the builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest.Builder
Creates a new builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.DataTransportOptions.Builder
Creates a new builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.PersonalizationData.Builder
Creates a new builder for a given namespace.
Builder(Context, DeviceRetrievalHelper.Listener, Executor, PresentationSession) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper.Builder
Create a new Builder for DeviceRetrievalHelper.
Builder(Context, PresentationSession, DataTransportOptions, NfcEngagementHelper.Listener, Executor) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper.Builder
Builder(Context, VerificationHelper.Listener, Executor) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Builder
Creates a new Builder for VerificationHelper.
Builder(AccessControlProfileId) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.AccessControlProfile.Builder
Each access control profile has numeric identifier that must be unique within the context of a Credential and may be used to reference the profile.


CAT_DELIVERY - Static variable in class com.android.identity.OriginInfo
The constant used to specify how the current engagement structure is delivered.
CAT_RECEIVE - Static variable in class com.android.identity.OriginInfo
The constant used to specify how the other party engagement structure has been received.
CIPHERSUITE_ECDHE_HKDF_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA256 - Static variable in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Specifies that the cipher suite that will be used to secure communications between the reader and the prover is using the following primitives ECKA-DH (Elliptic Curve Key Agreement Algorithm - Diffie-Hellman, see BSI TR-03111). HKDF-SHA-256 (see RFC 5869). AES-256-GCM (see NIST SP 800-38D). HMAC-SHA-256 (see RFC 2104).
CipherSuiteNotSupportedException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown if trying to use a cipher suite which isn't supported.
CipherSuiteNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.CipherSuiteNotSupportedException
Constructs a new CipherSuiteNotSupportedException exception.
CipherSuiteNotSupportedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.CipherSuiteNotSupportedException
Constructs a new CipherSuiteNotSupportedException exception.
close() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
close() - Method in class com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper
close() - Method in class com.android.identity.QrEngagementHelper
com.android.identity - package com.android.identity
combine(List<ConnectionMethod>) - Static method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethod
Combines connection methods.
connect() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
connect(ConnectionMethod) - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Establishes connection to remote mdoc using the given ConnectionMethod.
ConnectionMethod - Class in com.android.identity
A class representing the ConnectionMethod structure exchanged between mdoc and mdoc reader.
ConnectionMethod() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethod
ConnectionMethodBle - Class in com.android.identity
Connection method for BLE.
ConnectionMethodBle(boolean, boolean, UUID, UUID) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodBle
Creates a new connection method for BLE.
ConnectionMethodHttp - Class in com.android.identity
Connection method for HTTP connections.
ConnectionMethodHttp(String) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodHttp
Creates a new connection method for HTTP.
ConnectionMethodNfc - Class in com.android.identity
Connection method for NFC.
ConnectionMethodNfc(long, long) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodNfc
Creates a new connection method for NFC.
ConnectionMethodWifiAware - Class in com.android.identity
Connection method for Wifi Aware.
ConnectionMethodWifiAware(String, OptionalLong, OptionalLong, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodWifiAware
Creates a new connection method for Wifi Aware.
Constants - Class in com.android.identity
Various constants used by other classes.
Constants() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.Constants
createCredential(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Creates a new credential.
createDataTransport(Context, int, DataTransportOptions) - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethod
Creates a new DataTransport-derived instance for the given type of ConnectionMethod.
createDataTransport(Context, int, DataTransportOptions) - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodBle
createDataTransport(Context, int, DataTransportOptions) - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodHttp
createDataTransport(Context, int, DataTransportOptions) - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodNfc
createDataTransport(Context, int, DataTransportOptions) - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodWifiAware
createEphemeralKeyPair() - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Use PresentationSession instead.
createPresentationSession(int) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Creates a new presentation session.
CredentialDataRequest - Class in com.android.identity
An object representing a request for credential data.
CredentialDataRequest.Builder - Class in com.android.identity
A builder for CredentialDataRequest.
CredentialDataResult - Class in com.android.identity
An object that contains the result of retrieving data from a credential.
CredentialDataResult() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult
CredentialDataResult.Entries - Interface in com.android.identity
A class for representing data elements returned.
CredentialInvalidatedException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown if underlying key material for a credential has been invalidated.
CredentialInvalidatedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.CredentialInvalidatedException
Constructs a new CredentialInvalidatedException exception.
CredentialInvalidatedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.CredentialInvalidatedException
Constructs a new CredentialInvalidatedException exception.


d(String, String) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
d(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
DataTransport - Class in com.android.identity
Abstraction for data transfer between prover and verifier devices.
DataTransportHttp - Class in com.android.identity
HTTP data transport.
DataTransportHttp(Context, int, ConnectionMethodHttp, DataTransportOptions) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
DataTransportNfc - Class in com.android.identity
NFC data transport
DataTransportNfc(Context, int, ConnectionMethodNfc, DataTransportOptions) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
DataTransportOptions - Class in com.android.identity
A set of options used when creating a DataTransport derived instance.
DataTransportOptions.Builder - Class in com.android.identity
A builder for DataTransportOptions.
dCbor(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
decodeStaticAuthData(byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Utility
Helper to decode staticAuthData in the format specified by the Utility.encodeStaticAuthData(Map, byte[]) method.
decryptMessageFromReader(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Applications should use PresentationSession and implement encryption/decryption themselves.
delete(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Deletes a credential.
deleteCredentialByName(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
DEVICE_RESPONSE_STATUS_CBOR_DECODING_ERROR - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
The mdoc indicates an error during CBOR decoding that the data received is not valid CBOR.
DEVICE_RESPONSE_STATUS_CBOR_VALIDATION_ERROR - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
The mdoc indicates an error during CBOR validation, e.g.
DEVICE_RESPONSE_STATUS_GENERAL_ERROR - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
The mdoc returns an error without any given reason.
DEVICE_RESPONSE_STATUS_OK - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
Normal processing.
DeviceRequestGenerator - Class in com.android.identity
Helper class for building DeviceRequest CBOR as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 8.3 Device Retrieval.
DeviceRequestGenerator() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestGenerator
Constructs a new DeviceRequestGenerator.
DeviceRequestParser - Class in com.android.identity
Helper class for parsing the bytes of DeviceRequest CBOR as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 8.3 Device Retrieval.
DeviceRequestParser() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser
Constructs a DeviceRequestParser.
DeviceRequestParser.DeviceRequest - Class in com.android.identity
An object used to represent data parsed from DeviceRequest CBOR as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 8.3 Device Retrieval.
DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest - Class in com.android.identity
An object used to represent data parsed from the DocRequest CBOR (part of DeviceRequest) as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 8.3 Device Retrieval.
DeviceResponseGenerator - Class in com.android.identity
Helper class for building DeviceResponse CBOR as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 8.3 Device Retrieval.
DeviceResponseGenerator(long) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseGenerator
DeviceResponseParser - Class in com.android.identity
Helper class for parsing the bytes of DeviceResponse CBOR as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 8.3 Device Retrieval.
DeviceResponseParser() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser
Constructs a DeviceResponseParser.
DeviceResponseParser.DeviceResponse - Class in com.android.identity
An object used to represent data parsed from DeviceResponse CBOR as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 8.3 Device Retrieval.
DeviceResponseParser.Document - Class in com.android.identity
An object used to represent data parsed from the Document CBOR (part of DeviceResponse) as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 8.3 Device Retrieval.
DeviceRetrievalHelper - Class in com.android.identity
Helper used for establishing engagement with, interacting with, and presenting credentials to a remote mdoc reader device.
DeviceRetrievalHelper.Builder - Class in com.android.identity
DeviceRetrievalHelper.Listener - Interface in com.android.identity
Interface for listening to messages from the remote verifier device.
dHex(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
disambiguate(List<ConnectionMethod>) - Static method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethod
Disambiguates a list of connection methods.
disconnect() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper
Stops the presentation and shuts down the transport.
disconnect() - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Ends the session with the remote device.
DocTypeNotSupportedException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown if trying to create a credential with an unsupported document type.
DocTypeNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.DocTypeNotSupportedException
Constructs a new DocTypeNotSupportedException exception.
DocTypeNotSupportedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.DocTypeNotSupportedException
Constructs a new DocTypeNotSupportedException exception.
Document() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document


e(String, String) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
e(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
eCbor(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
eHex(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
encodeStaticAuthData(Map<String, List<byte[]>>, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Utility
Helper to encode digest-id mapping and issuerAuth CBOR into a single byte array.
encryptMessageToReader(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Applications should use PresentationSession and implement encryption/decryption themselves.
ENGAGEMENT_VERSION_1_0 - Static variable in class com.android.identity.EngagementGenerator
ENGAGEMENT_VERSION_1_1 - Static variable in class com.android.identity.EngagementGenerator
EngagementGenerator - Class in com.android.identity
Helper to generate DeviceEngagement or ReaderEngagement CBOR.
EngagementGenerator(PublicKey, String) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.EngagementGenerator
Helper class for building Engagement structures.
EngagementParser - Class in com.android.identity
Helper for parsing DeviceEngagement or ReaderEngagement CBOR.
EngagementParser(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.EngagementParser
Constructs a new parser.
EngagementParser.Engagement - Class in com.android.identity
An object used to represent data extract from an Engagement structure.
EphemeralPublicKeyNotFoundException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown if the ephemeral public key was not found in the session transcript passed to IdentityCredential.getEntries(byte[], Map, byte[]).
EphemeralPublicKeyNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.EphemeralPublicKeyNotFoundException
Constructs a new EphemeralPublicKeyNotFoundException exception.
EphemeralPublicKeyNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.EphemeralPublicKeyNotFoundException
Constructs a new EphemeralPublicKeyNotFoundException exception.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.android.identity.Timestamp


FEATURE_VERSION_202009 - Static variable in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
The feature version corresponding to features included in the Identity Credential API shipped in Android 11.
FEATURE_VERSION_202101 - Static variable in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
The feature version corresponding to features included in the Identity Credential API shipped in Android 12.
FEATURE_VERSION_202201 - Static variable in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
The feature version corresponding to features included in the Identity Credential API shipped in Android 13.
FEATURE_VERSION_202301 - Static variable in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
The feature version corresponding to features included in the Identity Credential API shipped in Android 14.


generate() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestGenerator
Builds the DeviceRequest CBOR.
generate() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseGenerator
Builds the DeviceResponse CBOR.
generate() - Method in class com.android.identity.EngagementGenerator
Generates the binary Engagement structure.
generate() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectGenerator
Builds the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
getAuthenticatedData() - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Returns a CBOR structure containing the retrieved data.
getAuthenticationDataExpirations() - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Get the expiration times of dynamic authentication keys.
getAuthenticationDataUsageCount() - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Get the number of times the dynamic authentication keys have been used.
getAuthKeysNeedingCertification() - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Gets a collection of dynamic authentication keys that need certification.
getBandInfoSupportedBands() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodWifiAware
getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.android.identity.OriginInfoWebsite
getBleClearCache() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportOptions
Returns the preference to clear the BLE Service Cache before service discovery when acting as a GATT Client.
getBleUseL2CAP() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportOptions
Returns the preference for use BLE L2CAP transmission profile.
getCat() - Method in class com.android.identity.OriginInfo
Specifies whether the OriginInfoOptions are about this engagement or the one received previously
getCat() - Method in class com.android.identity.OriginInfoNfc
Specifies whether the OriginInfoOptions are about this engagement or the one received previously
getCat() - Method in class com.android.identity.OriginInfoQr
Specifies whether the OriginInfoOptions are about this engagement or the one received previously
getCat() - Method in class com.android.identity.OriginInfoWebsite
Specifies whether the OriginInfoOptions are about this engagement or the one received previously
getCentralClientModeUuid() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodBle
Gets the UUID used for mdoc central client mode, if any.
getChannelInfoChannelNumber() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodWifiAware
Gets the channel number, if set.
getChannelInfoOperatingClass() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodWifiAware
Gets the operating class, if set.
getCommandDataFieldMaxLength() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodNfc
Gets the maximum length for the command data field.
getConnectionMethod() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
Returns a ConnectionMethod instance that can be used to connect to this transport.
getConnectionMethod() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
getConnectionMethod() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
getConnectionMethods() - Method in class com.android.identity.EngagementParser.Engagement
Gets the connection methods listed in the engagement.
getCredentialByName(String, int) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Retrieve a named credential.
getCredentialData(String, CredentialDataRequest) - Method in class com.android.identity.HardwarePresentationSession
getCredentialData(String, CredentialDataRequest) - Method in class com.android.identity.PresentationSession
Retrieves data from a named credential in the current presentation session.
getCredentialKeyCertificateChain() - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Gets the X.509 certificate chain for the CredentialKey which identifies this credential to the issuing authority.
getCredentialKeyCertificateChain(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.WritableIdentityCredential
Generates and returns an X.509 certificate chain for the CredentialKey which identifies this credential to the issuing authority.
getCryptoObject() - Method in class com.android.identity.HardwarePresentationSession
getCryptoObject() - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Gets a BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject which can be used with this IdentityCredential.
getCryptoObject() - Method in class com.android.identity.PresentationSession
Gets a BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject which can be used with this PresentationSession.
getDeviceEngagement() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper
getDeviceEngagement() - Method in class com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper
getDeviceEngagement() - Method in class com.android.identity.QrEngagementHelper
getDeviceEngagementUriEncoded() - Method in class com.android.identity.QrEngagementHelper
getDeviceEntryBoolean(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Like DeviceResponseParser.Document.getDeviceEntryData(String, String) but returns the CBOR decoded as a boolean.
getDeviceEntryByteString(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Like DeviceResponseParser.Document.getDeviceEntryData(String, String) but returns the CBOR decoded as a byte-string.
getDeviceEntryData(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Gets the raw CBOR data for the value of given data element in a given namespace in device-signed data.
getDeviceEntryDateTime(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
getDeviceEntryNames(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Gets the names of data elements in the given device-signed namespace.
getDeviceEntryNumber(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Like DeviceResponseParser.Document.getDeviceEntryData(String, String) but returns the CBOR decoded as a long.
getDeviceEntryString(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Like DeviceResponseParser.Document.getDeviceEntryData(String, String) but returns the CBOR decoded as a string.
getDeviceKey() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns the DeviceKey from the MSO.
getDeviceKey() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the mdoc authentication public key set in the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
getDeviceKeyAuthorizedDataElements() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the AuthorizedDataElements portion of the keyAuthorizations within DeviceKeyInfo.
getDeviceKeyAuthorizedNameSpaces() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the AuthorizedNameSpaces portion of the keyAuthorizations within DeviceKeyInfo.
getDeviceKeyInfo() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets extra info for the mdoc authentication public key as part of the KeyInfo portion of the DeviceKeyInfo.
getDeviceMac() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult
Returns a message authentication code over the DeviceAuthenticationBytes CBOR specified in CredentialDataResult.getDeviceNameSpaces(), to prove to the reader that the data is from a trusted credential.
getDeviceMac() - Method in class com.android.identity.PlatformCredentialDataResult
getDeviceNamespaces() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Gets the names of namespaces with retrieved entries of the device-signed data.
getDeviceNameSpaces() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult
Returns a CBOR structure containing the retrieved device-signed data.
getDeviceNameSpaces() - Method in class com.android.identity.PlatformCredentialDataResult
getDeviceSignature() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult
Returns a digital signature over the DeviceAuthenticationBytes CBOR specified in CredentialDataResult.getDeviceNameSpaces(), to prove to the reader that the data is from a trusted credential.
getDeviceSignature() - Method in class com.android.identity.PlatformCredentialDataResult
getDeviceSignedAuthenticated() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns whether the DeviceSigned data was authenticated.
getDeviceSignedAuthenticatedViaSignature() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns whether DeviceSigned was authenticated using ECDSA signature or using a MAC.
getDeviceSignedEntries() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult
Gets the device-signed entries that was returned.
getDeviceSignedEntries() - Method in class com.android.identity.PlatformCredentialDataResult
getDeviceSignedEntriesToRequest() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest
Gets the device-signed entries to request.
getDigestAlgorithm() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the digest algorithm set in the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
getDigestIDs(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets a non-empty mapping between a DigestID and a Digest for a particular namespace, as set in the ValueDigests map within the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
getDirectAccessInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Gets the IdentityCredentialStore for direct access.
getDocType() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest
Returns the document type (commonly referred to as docType) in the request.
getDocType() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns the type of document (commonly referred to as docType).
getDocType() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the document type set in the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
getDocumentRequests() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DeviceRequest
Gets the document requests in the DeviceRequest CBOR.
getDocuments() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.DeviceResponse
Gets the documents in the device response.
getEcdsaSignature() - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Returns a digital signature over the DeviceAuthenticationBytes CBOR specified in ResultData.getAuthenticatedData(), to prove to the reader that the data is from a trusted credential.
getEntries(byte[], Map<String, Collection<String>>, byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Use PresentationSession instead.
getEntry(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Gets the raw CBOR data for the value of an entry.
getEntry(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Gets the raw CBOR data for the value of an entry.
getEntryBoolean(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Gets the value of an entry.
getEntryBoolean(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Gets the value of an entry.
getEntryBytestring(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Gets the value of an entry.
getEntryBytestring(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Gets the value of an entry.
getEntryCalendar(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Gets the value of an entry.
getEntryCalendar(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Gets the value of an entry.
getEntryInteger(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Gets the value of an entry.
getEntryInteger(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Gets the value of an entry.
getEntryNames(String) - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Get the names of all requested entries in a name space.
getEntryNames(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest
Gets the names of data elements in the given namespace.
getEntryNames(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Get the names of all entries.
getEntryString(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Gets the value of an entry.
getEntryString(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Gets the value of an entry.
getEphemeralKeyPair() - Method in class com.android.identity.HardwarePresentationSession
getEphemeralKeyPair() - Method in class com.android.identity.PresentationSession
Gets the ephemeral key pair to use to establish a secure channel with the verifier.
getEphemeralReaderKey() - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Gets the ephemeral key used by the reader for session encryption.
getESenderKey() - Method in class com.android.identity.EngagementParser.Engagement
Gets the ephemeral key used by the other side.
getESenderKeyBytes() - Method in class com.android.identity.EngagementParser.Engagement
Gets the encoding of the key that was sent from the other side.
getExpectedUpdate() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the timestamp at which the issuing authority infrastructure expects to re-sign the MSO, if provided in the MobileSecurityObject CBOR, else null.
getFeatureVersion() - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Returns the feature version implemented by the IdentityCredentialStore.
getHandover() - Method in class com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper
getHandover() - Method in class com.android.identity.QrEngagementHelper
getHardwareInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Gets a IdentityCredentialStore implemented via secure hardware using the Identity Credential HAL.
getHost() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
getId() - Method in class com.android.identity.AccessControlProfileId
Gets the numerical identifier wrapped by this object.
getImplementationType() - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Returns the type of implementation of the Identity Credential store.
getIntentToRetain(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest
Gets the intent-to-retain value set by the reader for a data element in the request.
getIssuerCertificateChain() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns the X509 certificate chain for the issuer which signed the data in the document.
getIssuerEntryBoolean(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Like DeviceResponseParser.Document.getIssuerEntryData(String, String) but returns the CBOR decoded as a boolean.
getIssuerEntryByteString(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Like DeviceResponseParser.Document.getIssuerEntryData(String, String) but returns the CBOR decoded as a byte-string.
getIssuerEntryData(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Gets the raw CBOR data for the value of given data element in a given namespace in issuer-signed data.
getIssuerEntryDateTime(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
getIssuerEntryDigestMatch(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Gets whether the digest for the given entry matches the digest in the MSO.
getIssuerEntryNames(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Gets the names of data elements in the given issuer-signed namespace.
getIssuerEntryNumber(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Like DeviceResponseParser.Document.getIssuerEntryData(String, String) but returns the CBOR decoded as a long.
getIssuerEntryString(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Like DeviceResponseParser.Document.getIssuerEntryData(String, String) but returns the CBOR decoded as a string.
getIssuerNamespaces() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Gets the names of namespaces with retrieved entries of the issuer-signed data.
getIssuerSignedAuthenticated() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns whether the IssuerSigned data was authenticated.
getIssuerSignedEntries() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult
Gets the issuer-signed entries that was returned.
getIssuerSignedEntries() - Method in class com.android.identity.PlatformCredentialDataResult
getIssuerSignedEntriesToRequest() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest
Gets the issuer-signed entries to request.
getItemsRequest() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest
Gets the bytes of the ItemsRequest CBOR.
getKeystoreInstance(Context, File) - Static method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
getMessage() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
Returns the next message received, if any.
getMessageAuthenticationCode() - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Returns a message authentication code over the DeviceAuthenticationBytes CBOR specified in ResultData.getAuthenticatedData(), to prove to the reader that the data is from a trusted credential.
getNamespaces() - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Gets the names of namespaces with retrieved entries.
getNamespaces() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest
Gets the names of namespaces that the reader requested.
getNamespaces() - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Gets the names of namespaces with retrieved entries.
getNumIssuerEntryDigestMatchFailures() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Gets the number of issuer entries for that didn't match the digest in the MSO.
getOriginInfos() - Method in class com.android.identity.EngagementParser.Engagement
Gets the origin infos listed in the engagement.
getPassphraseInfoPassphrase() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodWifiAware
getPath() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
getPeripheralServerModeUuid() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodBle
Gets the UUID used for mdoc peripheral server mode, if any.
getPort() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
getReaderAuth() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest
Gets the bytes of the ReaderAuth CBOR.
getReaderAuthenticated() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest
Returns whether ItemsRequest was authenticated.
getReaderCertificateChain() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest
Returns the X509 certificate chain for the reader which signed the data in the document request.
getReaderSignature() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest
Gets the reader signature.
getRequestInfo() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DocumentRequest
Gets the requestInfo associated with the document request.
getRequestMessage() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest
Gets the request message CBOR.
getResponseDataFieldMaxLength() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodNfc
Gets the maximum length for the response data field.
getRetrievedEntryNames(String) - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Get the names of all entries that were successfully retrieved from a name space.
getRetrievedEntryNames(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Get the names of all entries that was successfully retrieved.
getSessionTranscript() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper
Gets the session transcript.
getSessionTranscript() - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Gets the session transcript.
getSigned() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the timestamp at which the MSO signature was created, as set in the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
getStaticAuthenticationData() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult
Returns the static authentication data associated with the dynamic authentication key used to MAC the data returned by CredentialDataResult.getDeviceNameSpaces().
getStaticAuthenticationData() - Method in class com.android.identity.PlatformCredentialDataResult
getStaticAuthenticationData() - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Returns the static authentication data associated with the dynamic authentication key used to sign or MAC the data returned by ResultData.getAuthenticatedData().
getStatus() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.DeviceResponse
Gets the top-level status in the DeviceResponse CBOR.
getStatus(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Gets the status of an entry.
getStatus(String, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Gets the status of an entry.
getSupportedDocTypes() - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Gets a list of supported document types.
getSupportsCentralClientMode() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodBle
Gets whether the connection method indicates that mdoc central client mode is enabled.
getSupportsPeripheralServerMode() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodBle
Gets whether the connection method indicates that mdoc peripheral server mode is enabled.
getUri() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodHttp
Gets the URI.
getUseTls() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
getValidFrom() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the timestamp before which the MSO is not yet valid, as set in the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
getValidityInfoExpectedUpdate() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns the expectedUpdate date from the MSO.
getValidityInfoSigned() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns the signed date from the MSO.
getValidityInfoValidFrom() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns the validFrom date from the MSO.
getValidityInfoValidUntil() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.Document
Returns the validUntil date from the MSO.
getValidUntil() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the timestamp after which the MSO is no longer valid, as set in the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
getValueDigestNamespaces() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the set of namespaces provided in the ValueDigests map within the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
getVersion() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser.DeviceRequest
Gets the version string set in the DeviceRequest CBOR.
getVersion() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser.DeviceResponse
Gets the version string set in the DeviceResponse CBOR.
getVersion() - Method in class com.android.identity.EngagementParser.Engagement
Gets the version string set in the Engagement CBOR.
getVersion() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject
Gets the version string set in the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.


HardwarePresentationSession - Class in com.android.identity
hashCode() - Method in class com.android.identity.Timestamp


iCbor(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
IdentityCredential - Class in com.android.identity
Class used to read data from a previously provisioned credential.
IdentityCredentialException - Exception in com.android.identity
Base class for all Identity Credential exceptions.
IdentityCredentialException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialException
Constructs a new IdentityCredentialException exception.
IdentityCredentialException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialException
Constructs a new IdentityCredentialException exception.
IdentityCredentialStore - Class in com.android.identity
An interface to a secure store for user identity documents.
iHex(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_HARDWARE - Static variable in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Specifies that the implementation type of the store is by using Hardware-Backed Identity Credential APIs.
IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_KEYSTORE - Static variable in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Specifies that the implementation type of the store is by using Hardware-Backed Android Keystore APIs.
inhibitCallbacks() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
InvalidReaderSignatureException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown if the reader signature is invalid, or it doesn't contain a certificate chain, or if the signature failed to validate.
InvalidReaderSignatureException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.InvalidReaderSignatureException
Constructs a new InvalidReaderSignatureException exception.
InvalidReaderSignatureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.InvalidReaderSignatureException
Constructs a new InvalidReaderSignatureException exception.
InvalidRequestMessageException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown if message with the request doesn't satisfy the requirements documented in IdentityCredential.getEntries(byte[], Map, byte[]).
InvalidRequestMessageException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.InvalidRequestMessageException
Constructs a new InvalidRequestMessageException exception.
InvalidRequestMessageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.InvalidRequestMessageException
Constructs a new InvalidRequestMessageException exception.
isAllowUsingExhaustedKeys() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest
Gets whether to allow using an authentication key which use count has been exceeded.
isAllowUsingExpiredKeys() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest
Gets whether to allow using an authentication key which is expired.
isDebugEnabled() - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
isDirectAccessSupported(Context) - Static method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredentialStore
Checks if direct-access is supported.
isIncrementUseCount() - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest
Gets whether to increment the use-count for the authentication key used.
isTransportSpecificTerminationSupported() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper
Returns whether transport specific termination is available for the current connection.
isTransportSpecificTerminationSupported() - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Returns whether transport specific termination is available for the current connection.
isUserAuthenticationNeeded() - Method in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Helper to determine if at least one if the requested entries returned the CredentialDataResult.Entries.STATUS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED status.


Logger - Class in com.android.identity
Class used for logging.
Logger() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.Logger


mContext - Variable in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
mergeIssuerSigned(Map<String, List<byte[]>>, CredentialDataResult.Entries) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Utility
Merges issuer-signed data with credential result data.
MessageDecryptionException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown when failing to decrypt a message from the reader device.
MessageDecryptionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.MessageDecryptionException
Constructs a new MessageDecryptionException exception.
MessageDecryptionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.MessageDecryptionException
Constructs a new MessageDecryptionException exception.
MobileSecurityObjectGenerator - Class in com.android.identity
Helper class for building MobileSecurityObject CBOR as specified ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 9.1.2 Issuer data authentication.
MobileSecurityObjectGenerator(String, String, PublicKey) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectGenerator
MobileSecurityObjectParser - Class in com.android.identity
Helper class for parsing the bytes of MobileSecurityObject CBOR as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 9.1.2 Issuer data authentication.
MobileSecurityObjectParser() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser
MobileSecurityObjectParser.MobileSecurityObject - Class in com.android.identity
An object used to represent data parsed from MobileSecurityObject CBOR as specified in ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 9.1.2 Issuer data authentication
mOptions - Variable in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
mRole - Variable in class com.android.identity.DataTransport


NfcEngagementHelper - Class in com.android.identity
NfcEngagementHelper.Builder - Class in com.android.identity
NfcEngagementHelper.Listener - Interface in com.android.identity
nfcOnDeactivated(int) - Method in class com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper
nfcProcessCommandApdu(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper
nfcProcessOnTagDiscovered(Tag) - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Processes a Tag received when in NFC reader mode.
NoAuthenticationKeyAvailableException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown if no dynamic authentication keys are available.
NoAuthenticationKeyAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.NoAuthenticationKeyAvailableException
Constructs a new NoAuthenticationKeyAvailableException exception.
NoAuthenticationKeyAvailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.NoAuthenticationKeyAvailableException
Constructs a new NoAuthenticationKeyAvailableException exception.
now() - Static method in class com.android.identity.Timestamp


ofEpochMilli(long) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Timestamp
onDeactivated(int) - Static method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
onDeviceConnected() - Method in interface com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Listener
Called when connected to a remote mdoc device.
onDeviceConnected(DataTransport) - Method in interface com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper.Listener
onDeviceConnected(DataTransport) - Method in interface com.android.identity.QrEngagementHelper.Listener
onDeviceConnecting() - Method in interface com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper.Listener
onDeviceConnecting() - Method in interface com.android.identity.QrEngagementHelper.Listener
onDeviceDisconnected(boolean) - Method in interface com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper.Listener
Called when the remote verifier device disconnects normally, that is using the session termination functionality in the underlying protocols.
onDeviceDisconnected(boolean) - Method in interface com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Listener
Called when the remote mdoc device disconnects normally, that is using the session termination functionality in the underlying protocols.
onDeviceEngagementReady() - Method in interface com.android.identity.QrEngagementHelper.Listener
onDeviceEngagementReceived(List<ConnectionMethod>) - Method in interface com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Listener
Called when a valid device engagement is received from QR code of NFC.
onDeviceRequest(byte[]) - Method in interface com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper.Listener
Called when the remote verifier device sends a request.
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper.Listener
Called when an unrecoverable error happens, for example if the remote device disconnects unexpectedly (e.g.
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper.Listener
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.android.identity.QrEngagementHelper.Listener
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Listener
Called when an unrecoverable error happens, for example if the remote device disconnects unexpectedly (e.g.
onMoveIntoNfcField() - Method in interface com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Listener
Called when NFC data transfer has been selected but the mdoc reader device isn't yet in the NFC field of the mdoc device.
onProgressUpdate(long, long) - Method in interface com.android.identity.TransmissionProgressListener
Callback to notify subscribers of progress updates.
onReaderEngagementReady(byte[]) - Method in interface com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Listener
Called when using reverse engagement and the reader engagement is ready.
onResponseReceived(byte[]) - Method in interface com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Listener
Called when the remote mdoc device sends a response.
OriginInfo - Class in com.android.identity
A class representing the OriginInfo structure exchanged by the mdoc and the mdoc reader.
OriginInfo() - Constructor for class com.android.identity.OriginInfo
OriginInfoNfc - Class in com.android.identity
OriginInfoNfc(long) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.OriginInfoNfc
OriginInfoQr - Class in com.android.identity
OriginInfoQr(long) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.OriginInfoQr
OriginInfoWebsite - Class in com.android.identity
OriginInfoWebsite(long, String) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.OriginInfoWebsite


parse() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser
Parses the device request.
parse() - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser
Parses the device response.
parse() - Method in class com.android.identity.EngagementParser
Parses the given Engagement structure.
parse() - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser
Parses the mobile security object.
PersonalizationData - Class in com.android.identity
An object that holds personalization data.
PersonalizationData.Builder - Class in com.android.identity
A builder for PersonalizationData.
personalize(PersonalizationData) - Method in class com.android.identity.WritableIdentityCredential
Stores all of the data in the credential, with the specified access control profiles.
PlatformCredentialDataResult - Class in com.android.identity
PlatformCredentialDataResult(CredentialDataResult) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.PlatformCredentialDataResult
PresentationSession - Class in com.android.identity
Class for presenting multiple documents to a remote verifier.
processCommandApdu(HostApduService, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
proveOwnership(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Proves ownership of a credential.
provisionSelfSignedCredential(IdentityCredentialStore, String, PrivateKey, X509Certificate, String, PersonalizationData, int, int) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Utility
Helper function to create a self-signed credential, including authentication keys and static authentication data.
putEntry(String, String, Collection<AccessControlProfileId>, byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.PersonalizationData.Builder
Adds a new entry to the builder.
putEntryBoolean(String, String, Collection<AccessControlProfileId>, boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.PersonalizationData.Builder
Adds a new entry to the builder.
putEntryBytestring(String, String, Collection<AccessControlProfileId>, byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.PersonalizationData.Builder
Adds a new entry to the builder.
putEntryCalendar(String, String, Collection<AccessControlProfileId>, Calendar) - Method in class com.android.identity.PersonalizationData.Builder
Adds a new entry to the builder.
putEntryInteger(String, String, Collection<AccessControlProfileId>, long) - Method in class com.android.identity.PersonalizationData.Builder
Adds a new entry to the builder.
putEntryString(String, String, Collection<AccessControlProfileId>, String) - Method in class com.android.identity.PersonalizationData.Builder
Adds a new entry to the builder.


QrEngagementHelper - Class in com.android.identity
QrEngagementHelper(Context, PresentationSession, List<ConnectionMethod>, DataTransportOptions, QrEngagementHelper.Listener, Executor) - Constructor for class com.android.identity.QrEngagementHelper
QrEngagementHelper.Listener - Interface in com.android.identity


reportConnected() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
reportConnecting() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
reportConnectionMethodReady() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
reportDisconnected() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
reportError(Throwable) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
reportMessageProgress(long, long) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
reportMessageReceived(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
reportTransportSpecificSessionTermination() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
ResultData - Class in com.android.identity
Use PresentationSession instead.
ROLE_MDOC - Static variable in class com.android.identity.DataTransport
ROLE_MDOC_READER - Static variable in class com.android.identity.DataTransport


sendDeviceResponse(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper
Send a response to the remote mdoc verifier.
sendDeviceResponse(byte[], TransmissionProgressListener, Executor) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper
Send a response to the remote mdoc verifier.
sendMessage(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
sendRequest(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Sends a request to the remote mdoc device.
sendTransportSpecificTerminationMessage() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
SESSION_DATA_STATUS_ERROR_CBOR_DECODING - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
Error: CBOR decoding.
SESSION_DATA_STATUS_ERROR_SESSION_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
Error: session encryption.
SESSION_DATA_STATUS_SESSION_TERMINATION - Static variable in class com.android.identity.Constants
Session termination.
setAllowUsingExhaustedKeys(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest.Builder
Sets whether to allow using an authentication key which use count has been exceeded.
setAllowUsingExhaustedKeys(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Use PresentationSession instead.
setAllowUsingExpiredKeys(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest.Builder
Sets whether to allow using an authentication key which is expired.
setAllowUsingExpiredKeys(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Use PresentationSession instead.
setAvailableAuthenticationKeys(int, int) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
setAvailableAuthenticationKeys(int, int, long) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Sets the number of dynamic authentication keys the IdentityCredential will maintain, the number of times each should be used, and the minimum amount of time it's valid for.
setBleClearCache(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportOptions.Builder
Sets whether to clear the BLE Service Cache before service discovery when acting as a GATT Client.
setBleUseL2CAP(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportOptions.Builder
Sets the preference for use BLE L2CAP transmission profile.
setConnectionMethods(List<ConnectionMethod>) - Method in class com.android.identity.EngagementGenerator
Adds a connection method to the engagement.
setDataTransportOptions(DataTransportOptions) - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Builder
Sets the options to use when setting up transports.
setDebugEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
setDeviceEngagementFromQrCode(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Set device engagement received via QR code.
setDeviceKeyAuthorizedDataElements(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectGenerator
Populates the AuthorizedDataElements portion of the keyAuthorizations within DeviceKeyInfo.
setDeviceKeyAuthorizedNameSpaces(List<String>) - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectGenerator
Populates the AuthorizedNameSpaces portion of the keyAuthorizations within DeviceKeyInfo.
setDeviceKeyInfo(Map<Long, byte[]>) - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectGenerator
Provides extra info for the mdoc authentication public key as part of the KeyInfo portion of the DeviceKeyInfo.
setDeviceRequest(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser
Sets the bytes of the DeviceRequest CBOR.
setDeviceResponse(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser
Sets the bytes of the DeviceResponse CBOR.
setDeviceSignedEntriesToRequest(Map<String, Collection<String>>) - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest.Builder
Sets the device-signed entries to request.
setEDeviceKeyBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
setEphemeralReaderKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser
Sets the private part of the ephemeral key used in the session where the DeviceResponse was obtained.
setHost(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
setIncrementKeyUsageCount(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Use PresentationSession instead.
setIncrementUseCount(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest.Builder
Sets whether to increment the use-count for the authentication key used.
setIsoDep(IsoDep) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc
Called by reader when finding the IsoDep tag.
setIssuerSignedEntriesToRequest(Map<String, Collection<String>>) - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest.Builder
Sets the issuer-signed entries to request.
setMobileSecurityObject(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectParser
Sets the bytes of the MobileSecurityObject CBOR.
setOriginInfos(List<OriginInfo>) - Method in class com.android.identity.EngagementGenerator
Adds origin infos to the engagement.
setPath(String) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
setPort(int) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
setReaderCertificate(X509Certificate) - Method in class com.android.identity.AccessControlProfile.Builder
Sets the reader certificate to use when checking access control.
setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class com.android.identity.HardwarePresentationSession
setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Use PresentationSession instead.
setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class com.android.identity.PresentationSession
Set the ephemeral public key provided by the verifier.
setReaderSignature(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest.Builder
Sets the reader signature.
setRequestMessage(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.CredentialDataRequest.Builder
Sets the request message CBOR.
setSendSessionTerminationMessage(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper
Sets whether to send session termination message.
setSendSessionTerminationMessage(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Sets whether to send session termination message.
setSessionTranscript(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestGenerator
Sets the bytes of the SessionTranscript CBOR.
setSessionTranscript(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser
Sets the bytes of the SessionTranscript CBOR.
setSessionTranscript(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceResponseParser
Sets the bytes of the SessionTranscript CBOR.
setSessionTranscript(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.HardwarePresentationSession
setSessionTranscript(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Use PresentationSession instead.
setSessionTranscript(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.PresentationSession
Set the session transcript.
setSkipReaderAuthParseAndCheck(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRequestParser
Sets a flag to skip force skip parsing the reader auth structure.
setUserAuthenticationRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.AccessControlProfile.Builder
Set whether user authentication is required.
setUserAuthenticationTimeout(long) - Method in class com.android.identity.AccessControlProfile.Builder
Sets the authentication timeout to use.
setUseReverseEngagement(List<ConnectionMethod>) - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper.Builder
Configures the verification helper to use reverse engagement.
setUseTls(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportHttp
setUseTransportSpecificSessionTermination(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper
Sets whether to use transport-specific session termination.
setUseTransportSpecificSessionTermination(boolean) - Method in class com.android.identity.VerificationHelper
Sets whether to use transport-specific session termination.
setValidityInfo(Timestamp, Timestamp, Timestamp, Timestamp) - Method in class com.android.identity.MobileSecurityObjectGenerator
Sets the ValidityInfo structure which contains information related to the validity of the MSO and its signature.
startLoggingToFile(File) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
STATUS_NO_ACCESS_CONTROL_PROFILES - Static variable in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
The entry was not retrieved because it was configured without any access control profile.
STATUS_NO_ACCESS_CONTROL_PROFILES - Static variable in class com.android.identity.ResultData
The requested entry was not retrieved because it was configured without any access control profile.
STATUS_NO_SUCH_ENTRY - Static variable in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
The entry does not exist.
STATUS_NO_SUCH_ENTRY - Static variable in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Requested entry does not exist.
STATUS_NOT_IN_REQUEST_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
The entry wasn't in the request message.
STATUS_NOT_IN_REQUEST_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Requested entry wasn't in the request message.
STATUS_NOT_REQUESTED - Static variable in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
The entry was not requested.
STATUS_NOT_REQUESTED - Static variable in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Requested entry was not requested.
STATUS_OK - Static variable in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
Value was successfully retrieved.
STATUS_OK - Static variable in class com.android.identity.ResultData
Value was successfully retrieved.
STATUS_READER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
The entry was not retrieved because reader authentication failed.
STATUS_READER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - Static variable in class com.android.identity.ResultData
The requested entry was not retrieved because reader authentication wasn't performed.
STATUS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
The entry was not retrieved and the reason is not known.
STATUS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.android.identity.CredentialDataResult.Entries
The entry was not retrieved because user authentication failed.
STATUS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - Static variable in class com.android.identity.ResultData
The requested entry was not retrieved because user authentication wasn't performed.
stopLoggingToFile() - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
storeStaticAuthenticationData(X509Certificate, byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
storeStaticAuthenticationData(X509Certificate, Calendar, byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Store authentication data associated with a dynamic authentication key.
supportsTransportSpecificTerminationMessage() - Method in class com.android.identity.DataTransportNfc


Timestamp - Class in com.android.identity
Represents a single instant in time.
toEpochMilli() - Method in class com.android.identity.Timestamp
toString() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodBle
toString() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodHttp
toString() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodNfc
toString() - Method in class com.android.identity.ConnectionMethodWifiAware
toString() - Method in class com.android.identity.Timestamp
TransmissionProgressListener - Interface in com.android.identity
A generic interface for sending progress updates of a data transmission.


UnknownAuthenticationKeyException - Exception in com.android.identity
Thrown if trying to certify an unknown dynamic authentication key.
UnknownAuthenticationKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.UnknownAuthenticationKeyException
Constructs a new UnknownAuthenticationKeyException exception.
UnknownAuthenticationKeyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.identity.UnknownAuthenticationKeyException
Constructs a new UnknownAuthenticationKeyException exception.
update(PersonalizationData) - Method in class com.android.identity.IdentityCredential
Updates the credential with new access control profiles and data items.
useForwardEngagement(DataTransport, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper.Builder
Configures the helper to use normal engagement.
useNegotiatedHandover() - Method in class com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper.Builder
useReverseEngagement(DataTransport, byte[], List<OriginInfo>) - Method in class com.android.identity.DeviceRetrievalHelper.Builder
Configures the helper to use reverse engagement.
useStaticHandover(List<ConnectionMethod>) - Method in class com.android.identity.NfcEngagementHelper.Builder
Utility - Class in com.android.identity
Miscellaneous utility functions that are useful when building mdoc applications.


VerificationHelper - Class in com.android.identity
Helper used for engaging with and receiving documents from a remote mdoc verifier device.
VerificationHelper.Builder - Class in com.android.identity
Builder for VerificationHelper.
VerificationHelper.Listener - Interface in com.android.identity
Interface for listening to messages from the remote mdoc device.


w(String, String) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
w(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
wCbor(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
wHex(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.android.identity.Logger
WritableIdentityCredential - Class in com.android.identity
Class used to personalize a new identity credential.
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