Class Utility

  • public class Utility
    extends java.lang.Object
    Miscellaneous utility functions that are useful when building mdoc applications.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static androidx.core.util.Pair<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<byte[]>>,​byte[]> decodeStaticAuthData​(byte[] staticAuthData)
      Helper to decode staticAuthData in the format specified by the encodeStaticAuthData(Map, byte[]) method.
      static byte[] encodeStaticAuthData​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<byte[]>> issuerSignedMapping, byte[] encodedIssuerAuth)
      Helper to encode digest-id mapping and issuerAuth CBOR into a single byte array.
      static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<byte[]>> mergeIssuerSigned​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<byte[]>> issuerSignedMapping, CredentialDataResult.Entries issuerSigned)
      Merges issuer-signed data with credential result data.
      static byte[] provisionSelfSignedCredential​(IdentityCredentialStore store, java.lang.String credentialName, issuingAuthorityKey, issuingAuthorityCertificate, java.lang.String docType, PersonalizationData personalizationData, int numAuthKeys, int maxUsesPerKey)
      Helper function to create a self-signed credential, including authentication keys and static authentication data.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • encodeStaticAuthData

        public static byte[] encodeStaticAuthData​(@NonNull
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<byte[]>> issuerSignedMapping,
                                                  byte[] encodedIssuerAuth)
        Helper to encode digest-id mapping and issuerAuth CBOR into a single byte array.

        The resulting byte array can be stored as staticAuthData using IdentityCredential.storeStaticAuthenticationData(X509Certificate, Calendar, byte[]) and returned using ResultData.getStaticAuthenticationData() at presentation time.

        Use decodeStaticAuthData(byte[]) for the reverse operation.

        The returned data are the bytes of CBOR with the following CDDL:

             StaticAuthData = {
                 "digestIdMapping": DigestIdMapping,
                 "issuerAuth" : IssuerAuth
             DigestIdMapping = {
                 NameSpace => [ + IssuerSignedItemBytes ]
             ; Defined in ISO 18013-5
             NameSpace = String
             DataElementIdentifier = String
             DigestID = uint
             IssuerAuth = COSE_Sign1 ; The payload is MobileSecurityObjectBytes
             IssuerSignedItemBytes = #6.24(bstr .cbor IssuerSignedItem)
             IssuerSignedItem = {
               "digestID" : uint,                           ; Digest ID for issuer data auth
               "random" : bstr,                             ; Random value for issuer data auth
               "elementIdentifier" : DataElementIdentifier, ; Data element identifier
               "elementValue" : NULL                        ; Placeholder for Data element value

        Note that the the byte[] arrays returned in the list of map values are the bytes of IssuerSignedItem, not IssuerSignedItemBytes.

        issuerSignedMapping - A mapping from namespaces into a list of the bytes of IssuerSignedItem (not tagged). The elementValue key must be present and set to the NULL value.
        encodedIssuerAuth - The bytes of COSE_Sign1 signed by the issuing authority and where the payload is set to bytes of MobileSecurityObjectBytes.
        the bytes of the CBOR described above.
      • decodeStaticAuthData

        public static androidx.core.util.Pair<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<byte[]>>,​byte[]> decodeStaticAuthData​(@NonNull
                                                                                                                                              byte[] staticAuthData)
        Helper to decode staticAuthData in the format specified by the encodeStaticAuthData(Map, byte[]) method.

        Note that the the byte[] arrays returned in the list of map values are the bytes of IssuerSignedItem, not IssuerSignedItemBytes.

        staticAuthData - the bytes of CBOR as described above.
        issuerSignedMapping and encodedIssuerAuth.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given data is not in the format specified by the encodeStaticAuthData(Map, byte[]) method.
      • provisionSelfSignedCredential

        public static byte[] provisionSelfSignedCredential​(@NonNull
                                                           IdentityCredentialStore store,
                                                           java.lang.String credentialName,
                                                           java.lang.String docType,
                                                           PersonalizationData personalizationData,
                                                           int numAuthKeys,
                                                           int maxUsesPerKey)
                                                    throws IdentityCredentialException
        Helper function to create a self-signed credential, including authentication keys and static authentication data.

        The created authentication keys will have associated staticAuthData which is encoded in the same format as returned by the encodeStaticAuthData(Map, byte[]) helper method meaning that at presentation-time the decodeStaticAuthData(byte[]) helper can be used to recover the digest-id mapping and IssuerAuth CBOR.

        This helper is useful only when developing mdoc applications that are not yet using a live issuing authority.

        store - the IdentityCredentialStore to create the credential in.
        credentialName - name to use for the credential, e.g. "test".
        issuingAuthorityKey - the private key to use for signing the static auth data.
        issuingAuthorityCertificate - the certificate corresponding the signing key.
        docType - the document type of the credential, e.g. "org.iso .18013.5.1.mDL".
        personalizationData - the data to put in the document, organized by namespace.
        numAuthKeys - number of authentication keys to create.
        maxUsesPerKey - number of uses for each authentication key.
        bytes of a COSE_Sign1 for proof of provisioning
        IdentityCredentialException - if the given data is not in the correct format
      • mergeIssuerSigned

        public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<byte[]>> mergeIssuerSigned​(@NonNull
                                                                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<byte[]>> issuerSignedMapping,
                                                                                                     CredentialDataResult.Entries issuerSigned)
        Merges issuer-signed data with credential result data.
        issuerSignedMapping - A mapping obtained from decodeStaticAuthData(byte[]).
        issuerSigned - Data values from a credential.
        The given mapping but where each encodedIssuerAuth has the given data values filled in.