Interface CredentialDataResult.Entries

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface CredentialDataResult.Entries
    A class for representing data elements returned.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      byte[] getEntry​(java.lang.String namespaceName, java.lang.String name)
      Gets the raw CBOR data for the value of an entry.
      boolean getEntryBoolean​(java.lang.String namespaceName, java.lang.String name)
      Gets the value of an entry.
      byte[] getEntryBytestring​(java.lang.String namespaceName, java.lang.String name)
      Gets the value of an entry. getEntryCalendar​(java.lang.String namespaceName, java.lang.String name)
      Gets the value of an entry.
      long getEntryInteger​(java.lang.String namespaceName, java.lang.String name)
      Gets the value of an entry.
      java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getEntryNames​(java.lang.String namespaceName)
      Get the names of all requested entries in a name space.
      java.lang.String getEntryString​(java.lang.String namespaceName, java.lang.String name)
      Gets the value of an entry.
      java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getNamespaces()
      Gets the names of namespaces with retrieved entries.
      java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getRetrievedEntryNames​(java.lang.String namespaceName)
      Get the names of all entries that were successfully retrieved from a name space.
      int getStatus​(java.lang.String namespaceName, java.lang.String name)
      Gets the status of an entry.
      boolean isUserAuthenticationNeeded()
      Helper to determine if at least one if the requested entries returned the STATUS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED status.
    • Field Detail

      • STATUS_OK

        static final int STATUS_OK
        Value was successfully retrieved.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int STATUS_NO_SUCH_ENTRY
        The entry does not exist.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int STATUS_NOT_REQUESTED
        The entry was not requested.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int STATUS_NOT_IN_REQUEST_MESSAGE
        The entry wasn't in the request message.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        The entry was not retrieved because user authentication failed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        The entry was not retrieved because reader authentication failed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int STATUS_NO_ACCESS_CONTROL_PROFILES
        The entry was not retrieved because it was configured without any access control profile.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN
        The entry was not retrieved and the reason is not known.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getNamespaces

        java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getNamespaces()
        Gets the names of namespaces with retrieved entries.
        collection of name of namespaces containing retrieved entries. May be empty if no data was retrieved.
      • getEntryNames

        java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getEntryNames​(@NonNull
                                                             java.lang.String namespaceName)
        Get the names of all requested entries in a name space.

        This includes the name of entries that weren't successfully retrieved. It is an error to call this with a namespace not returned in getNamespaces().

        namespaceName - the namespace name to get entries for.
        A collection of names for the given namespace.
      • getRetrievedEntryNames

        java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getRetrievedEntryNames​(@NonNull
                                                                      java.lang.String namespaceName)
        Get the names of all entries that were successfully retrieved from a name space.

        This only returns entries for which getStatus(String, String) will return STATUS_OK. It is an error to call this with a namespace not returned in getNamespaces().

        namespaceName - the namespace name to get entries for.
        The entries in the given namespace that were successfully rerieved.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if called with a name space not returned in getNamespaces().
      • getStatus

        int getStatus​(@NonNull
                      java.lang.String namespaceName,
                      java.lang.String name)
        Gets the status of an entry.

        This returns one of

        namespaceName - the namespace name of the entry.
        name - the name of the entry to get the value for.
        the status indicating whether the value was retrieved and if not, why.
      • getEntry

        byte[] getEntry​(@NonNull
                        java.lang.String namespaceName,
                        java.lang.String name)
        Gets the raw CBOR data for the value of an entry.

        This should only be called on an entry for which the getStatus(String, String) method returns STATUS_OK.

        namespaceName - the namespace name of the entry.
        name - the name of the entry to get the value for.
        the raw CBOR data or null if no entry with the given name exists.
      • getEntryString

        java.lang.String getEntryString​(@NonNull
                                        java.lang.String namespaceName,
                                        java.lang.String name)
        Gets the value of an entry.

        This should only be called on an entry for which the getStatus(String, String) method returns STATUS_OK.

        namespaceName - the namespace name of the entry.
        name - the name of the entry to get the value for.
        a String or null if no entry with the given name exists.
      • getEntryBytestring

        byte[] getEntryBytestring​(@NonNull
                                  java.lang.String namespaceName,
                                  java.lang.String name)
        Gets the value of an entry.

        This should only be called on an entry for which the getStatus(String, String) method returns STATUS_OK.

        namespaceName - the namespace name of the entry.
        name - the name of the entry to get the value for.
        a byte[] or null if no entry with the given name exists.
      • getEntryInteger

        long getEntryInteger​(@NonNull
                             java.lang.String namespaceName,
                             java.lang.String name)
        Gets the value of an entry.

        This should only be called on an entry for which the getStatus(String, String) method returns STATUS_OK.

        namespaceName - the namespace name of the entry.
        name - the name of the entry to get the value for.
        a long or 0 if no entry with the given name exists.
      • getEntryBoolean

        boolean getEntryBoolean​(@NonNull
                                java.lang.String namespaceName,
                                java.lang.String name)
        Gets the value of an entry.

        This should only be called on an entry for which the getStatus(String, String) method returns STATUS_OK.

        namespaceName - the namespace name of the entry.
        name - the name of the entry to get the value for.
        a boolean or false if no entry with the given name exists.
      • getEntryCalendar

        @Nullable getEntryCalendar​(@NonNull
                                                   java.lang.String namespaceName,
                                                   java.lang.String name)
        Gets the value of an entry.

        This should only be called on an entry for which the getStatus(String, String) method returns STATUS_OK.

        namespaceName - the namespace name of the entry.
        name - the name of the entry to get the value for.
        a Calendar or null if no entry with the given name exists.
      • isUserAuthenticationNeeded

        boolean isUserAuthenticationNeeded()
        Helper to determine if at least one if the requested entries returned the STATUS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED status.
        true if at least one entry wasn't retrieved because user authentication was needed.