Class CredentialDataRequest

    • Method Detail

      • getDeviceSignedEntriesToRequest

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getDeviceSignedEntriesToRequest()
        Gets the device-signed entries to request.
        the device-signed entries to request.
      • getIssuerSignedEntriesToRequest

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getIssuerSignedEntriesToRequest()
        Gets the issuer-signed entries to request.
        the issuer-signed entries to request.
      • isAllowUsingExhaustedKeys

        public boolean isAllowUsingExhaustedKeys()
        Gets whether to allow using an authentication key which use count has been exceeded.

        By default this is set to true.

        whether to allow using an authentication key which use count has been exceeded if no other key is available.
      • isAllowUsingExpiredKeys

        public boolean isAllowUsingExpiredKeys()
        Gets whether to allow using an authentication key which is expired.

        By default this is set to false.

        whether to allow using an authentication key which is expired if no other key is available.
      • isIncrementUseCount

        public boolean isIncrementUseCount()
        Gets whether to increment the use-count for the authentication key used.

        By default this is set to true.

        whether to increment the user count of the authentication key used.