Class MobileSecurityObjectGenerator

  • public class MobileSecurityObjectGenerator
    extends java.lang.Object
    Helper class for building MobileSecurityObject CBOR as specified ISO/IEC 18013-5 section 9.1.2 Issuer data authentication.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MobileSecurityObjectGenerator

        public MobileSecurityObjectGenerator​(@NonNull
                                             java.lang.String digestAlgorithm,
                                             java.lang.String docType,
        digestAlgorithm - The digest algorithm identifier. Must be one of {"SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512"}.
        docType - The document type.
        deviceKey - The public part of the key pair used for mdoc authentication.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the digestAlgorithm is not one of {"SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512"}.
    • Method Detail

      • addDigestIdsForNamespace

        public MobileSecurityObjectGenerator addDigestIdsForNamespace​(@NonNull
                                                                      java.lang.String nameSpace,
                                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​byte[]> digestIDs)
        Populates the ValueDigests mapping. This must be called at least once before generating since ValueDigests must be non-empty.
        nameSpace - The namespace.
        digestIDs - A non-empty mapping between a DigestID and a Digest.
        The MobileSecurityObjectGenerator.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the digestIDs is empty.
      • setDeviceKeyAuthorizedNameSpaces

        public MobileSecurityObjectGenerator setDeviceKeyAuthorizedNameSpaces​(@NonNull
                                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> authorizedNameSpaces)
        Populates the AuthorizedNameSpaces portion of the keyAuthorizations within DeviceKeyInfo. This gives authorizations to full namespaces included in the authorizedNameSpaces array. If authorization is given for a full namespace, that namespace shall not be included in setDeviceKeyAuthorizedDataElements(Map).
        authorizedNameSpaces - A list of namespaces which should be given authorization.
        The MobileSecurityObjectGenerator.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the authorizedNameSpaces does not meet the constraints.
      • setDeviceKeyAuthorizedDataElements

        public MobileSecurityObjectGenerator setDeviceKeyAuthorizedDataElements​(@NonNull
                                                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> authorizedDataElements)
        Populates the AuthorizedDataElements portion of the keyAuthorizations within DeviceKeyInfo. This gives authorizations to data elements included in the authorizedDataElements mapping. If a namespace is included here, then it should not be included in setDeviceKeyAuthorizedNameSpaces(List)
        authorizedDataElements - A mapping from namespaces to a list of DataElementIdentifier
        The MobileSecurityObjectGenerator.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if authorizedDataElements does not meet the constraints.
      • setDeviceKeyInfo

        public MobileSecurityObjectGenerator setDeviceKeyInfo​(@NonNull
                                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​byte[]> keyInfo)
        Provides extra info for the mdoc authentication public key as part of the KeyInfo portion of the DeviceKeyInfo.
        keyInfo - A mapping to represent additional key information.
        The MobileSecurityObjectGenerator.
      • setValidityInfo

        public MobileSecurityObjectGenerator setValidityInfo​(@NonNull
                                                             Timestamp signed,
                                                             Timestamp validFrom,
                                                             Timestamp validUntil,
                                                             Timestamp expectedUpdate)
        Sets the ValidityInfo structure which contains information related to the validity of the MSO and its signature. This must be called before generating since this a required component of the MobileSecurityObject.
        signed - The timestamp at which the MSO signature was created.
        validFrom - The timestamp before which the MSO is not yet valid. This shall be equal or later than the signed element.
        validUntil - The timestamp after which the MSO is no longer valid. This shall be later than the validFrom element.
        expectedUpdate - Optional: if provided, represents the timestamp at which the issuing authority infrastructure expects to re-sign the MSO, else, null
        The MobileSecurityObjectGenerator.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the times are do not meet the constraints.