Class PlatformCredentialDataResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • PlatformCredentialDataResult

        public PlatformCredentialDataResult​( platformResult)
    • Method Detail

      • getDeviceNameSpaces

        public byte[] getDeviceNameSpaces()
        Description copied from class: CredentialDataResult
        Returns a CBOR structure containing the retrieved device-signed data.

        This structure - along with the session transcript - may be cryptographically authenticated to prove to the reader that the data is from a trusted credential and CredentialDataResult.getDeviceMac() can be used to get a MAC.

        The CBOR structure which is cryptographically authenticated is the DeviceAuthenticationBytes structure (See section of ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 for details) according to the following CDDL schema:

           DeviceAuthentication = [
           DocType = tstr
           SessionTranscript = any
           DeviceNameSpacesBytes = #6.24(bstr .cbor DeviceNameSpaces)
           DeviceAuthenticationBytes = #6.24(bstr .cbor DeviceAuthentication)


           DeviceNameSpaces = {
             * NameSpace => DeviceSignedItems
           DeviceSignedItems = {
             + DataItemName => DataItemValue
           NameSpace = tstr
           DataItemName = tstr
           DataItemValue = any

        The returned data is the binary encoding of the DeviceNameSpaces structure as defined above.

        Specified by:
        getDeviceNameSpaces in class CredentialDataResult
        The bytes of the DeviceNameSpaces CBOR structure.
      • getDeviceMac

        public byte[] getDeviceMac()
        Description copied from class: CredentialDataResult
        Returns a message authentication code over the DeviceAuthenticationBytes CBOR specified in CredentialDataResult.getDeviceNameSpaces(), to prove to the reader that the data is from a trusted credential.

        The MAC proves to the reader that the data is from a trusted credential. This code is produced by using the key agreement and key derivation function from the ciphersuite with the authentication private key and the reader ephemeral public key to compute a shared message authentication code (MAC) key, then using the MAC function from the ciphersuite to compute a MAC of the authenticated data. See section of ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 for details of this operation.

        If the session transcript or reader ephemeral key wasn't set on the PresentationSession used to obtain this data no message authencation code will be produced and this method will return null.

        At most one of CredentialDataResult.getDeviceMac() or CredentialDataResult.getDeviceSignature() is implemented.

        Specified by:
        getDeviceMac in class CredentialDataResult
        A COSE_Mac0 structure with the message authentication code as described above or null if the conditions specified above are not met.